An individual can have as many BigML accounts as he or she wishes in BigML. Registering generates a new set of credentials that gives access to a totally separate environment, and that environment has its own properties as to the allowed dataset size, the number of tasks, and the expiration date. In addition to that, if one BigML user has also been invited to a given organization, the organization environment is again a totally separated workspace, and therefore the expiration date of that organization may also be different from that of his or her personal account. Moreover, an individual may be enrolled in more than one BigML organization, and each one will again operate as an independent workspace to which the user has been granted access.
Let's visualize this with a simple example. The user GBROWN has a personal account and he is also part of the Acme Corporation organization. By selecting his personal dashboard or the organization workspace he will be able to easily switch between workspaces and each workspace will contain different projects and resources.
If GBROWN's personal account expires in, for instance, 10 days, he will be able to create sources, datasets, models, and any other resource available on the platform, in his own environment during the next 10 days. However, when that expiration date is reached GBROWN will no longer be able to create any other resource in his personal account unless he acquires a subscription. Instead, he will be able to view the resources he created in his personal workspace.
On the other hand, we see in the image above that GBROWN is also part of the Acme Corporation organization workspace. The selector allows him to change to the organization's workspace because he has been enrolled in the organization. Switching to the organization workspace, GBROWN will be able to create resources within the organization's limits, even when his separate personal environment has reached its expiration date. He will be able to work in the organization's workspace until the owner of the organization uninvites him, reduces his rights and access, or until the organization itself reaches its own expiration date.